Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lesson 6

Danger is not my middle's Andrew.

heroes & villains - chase sequence :

goal : GOOD GUY WINS: hero wins /
PLAY: kids playing get interrupted by mother "Dinner's ready."

a simple chase scene.
storyboard starting point - we see the hero.
face close up of the hero, he is speculative.
he is standing on a rooftop, looking out over the city.
suddenly a shadow comes up behind him, he turns and there stands the robo villain.
the villain hits him and troughs him off the roof. luckily he is a super hero, so he lands on his feet in a cool fashion, then he starts running super fast, as the robo villain lands right behind him, also in a cool way. the chase begins. they jump over cars, smash into buildings and bust street signs. people are afraid, the robo villain changes his arm into a super villain cannon, he fires two time but the hero doesn't get hit. the hero gets mad, jumps and kicks robo villain as he also jumps falls, smashes and tumbles. the hero pic's up the villain. and all of a sudden we hear a voice call "Andrew, Henry - dinner's ready !" ... as it is revealed that it is only two kids having great imagination. they run out the door as "the villain" shuts the lights off, and slams the door.

Character Designs

The Chase Sequence
The Storyboard - Enjoy.

board # 1

Board #2

Board #3

Your Grade : Excellent

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